Use case title (contact person)
3D volume rendering of Henneguyosis in the heart of Pagrus major (Kleoniki Keklikoglou)
In-brief: description the analysis that was carried out
Micro-CT was performed to a heart of a cultured red seabream ( Pagrus major ) with a SkyScan 1172 micro-CT scanner. 3D volume rendering was created using the CTVox software (Bruker, Kontich, Belgium).
In brief: description of the pertinent project
The aim of this study was the description of a Henneguya sp. infection in cultured red sea bream in the Aegean island of Leros, Greece, in order to investigate the possible source of this parasite. The parasite has been studied using morphological, histopathological and molecular analysis.
Comments on how the cluster supported this work
Software and storage are not supported by the cluster. However, the cluster will support micro-CT technology in the future in terms of storage.
Relevant project/dataset web site
MOUNT (MOdern UNifying Trends in marine biology) project /
Relevant publication
Katharios P., Varvarigos P., Keklikoglou K., Ruetten M., Sojan J.M., Akter M., Cascarano M.C., Tsertou M.I., Kokkari C. (in press) Native parasite affecting an introduced host in aquaculture: Cardiac henneguyosis in red seabream (Pagrus major) caused by Henneguya aegea n.sp. Parasites & Vectors